Winter menu: healthy and sustainable to reduce the impact of the food system

With winter almost upon us, the new Seasons Menu is here, the gastronomy proposal from Barcelona World Sustainable Food Capital.

Cuina a la sal per al plata vegà del Menú d'Hivern
02/12/2021 - 15:30 h - Environment and sustainability Ajuntament de Barcelona

As with the menus created for other seasons, the winter menu backs the struggle to combat food waste and take advantage of seasonal local produce to reduce the impact of our food system. On this occasion the recipes were developed with the help of Pere Carrió, chef at the restaurant Gat Blau, the Escola d’Hoteleria i Turisme operated by the University de Barcelona (CETT), the Escola Superior d’Hostaleria i Turisme Jesuïtes Sarrià – Sant Gervasi and the Escola Superior d’Hostaleria de Barcelona (ESHOB).

Gastronomy suggestions for this winter include:

  • Starters: salted celeriac, parsnip chips, carrot confit with honey, rosemary and vegan gravy, a wholly vegetarian dish
  • Main course: fried inshore fish with bread and tomato, a very traditional recipe made with low-grade fish, usually unused and with little commercial value but which we can find in our coastal waters
  • Desserts: pumpkin pie, a product typical of this season

The winter menu rounds off the Seasons Menu for this year, which started with the spring menu, endorsed by chef Carme Ruscalleda.

The menu is available at over 160 restaurants in Barcelona and around Catalonia which are taking part in the initiative. Establishments can offer the menu without changes or they can adapt it to their own culinary style.

In addition, these and other recommended recipes are available on the Sustainable Food website so that you can make them at home.

Fregitel3la de peix de costa, el segon plat del Menú d'Hivern Pastís de carbassa, el postre del Menú d'Hivern Participants de la presentació del Menú d'Hivern Propostes per al Menú d'Hivern Montserrat Ballarín, regidor de Comerç i Mercats, Àlvaro Porro, comissionat d'Economia Social, Desenvolupament Local i Política Alimentària, i Pere Carrió, xef del restaurant Gat Blau Presentació del Menú d'Hivern ..